Monday 11 July 2011

The one who uses the virtues within is the one who is divine.

When we are constantly using the virtues that we have, we are able to sustain the divinity within. Irrespective of whether people do it or not,  it is more important to see what we have to lose if we lose touch with these virtues and what we have to gain if we work with these virtues. Working with virtues consistently gives more power than working with weaknesses. It gives power to both the situation and ourselves too.    
Let me practice with one quality each day. When I continue to create a thought of positivtiy and sustain it through out the day, I am able to experience the divinity at all times. Even if the situation outside is not conducive to this experience, I am still able to experience my inner divinity.       

God As The Supreme Companion
        Meditation is not only something experienced when all is quiet and I am sitting alone, free from my cares and responsibilities, it is a practical stage as well.The best way to experience meditation whilst performing action is to have a relationship with the Supreme Being or God as a Supreme Companion. He is the true companion of the soul, the one who is absolutely dependable and who never lets you down. Unlike        human souls, He is not limited by distance and time; He can be with you at any time or at any place. With the Supreme’s company I feel I can face anything on the field of action. I am not alone. He is behind me giving me inspiration, in front of me giving me guidance and beside me giving friendship. God's role is my role        also. The vision that he has of the world and other souls i.e. creating a world which is full of His qualities, is the vision that I have. In His company I am flying, as He protects me from sorrow. I experience complete detachment. My companion is   the ultimate authority. Knowing and having Him as a friend, I know and have everything. Nothing negative or no negative behavior of anyone else interests or attracts me or brings me down.       
Meditation - Gradually experience the following words in your mind:
        I am a soul... acting on this world stage... a companion of God… I am with my highest        and truest companion... the sweet Supreme Being, my Father... who is ever constant...        walking… talking... sitting... standing... working with me. He is my companion helping        me... showing me the way... I am with the Supreme Authority... Every action is filled        with his power... His company colours me with his qualities...I see others as He        sees them... with such kindness and mercy… I also, just like him, can accommodate        all souls in my heart... I begin to feel so much pure love for others... I radiate        His virtues... His sweetness... I am His instrument to bring about world transformation        (change).       

    Source:eMail from 'In Spiritual Service,Brahma Kumari

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