Wednesday 14 September 2011

What Is And What Is Not .Real. Happiness?

        Real happiness is not an external stimulation by watching an action movie or eating  out or buying a new dress; it is not the result of acquiring something . whether  it be a new car or a position, or of receiving some good news. True happiness is   not relief from suffering . whether from an illness or a difficult situation, nor   is it the achievement of a goal . whether personal or professional. All these are   externally dependent, where happiness is confused with stimulation, excitement, achievement,   acquisition or relief. Happiness is not all of these. You also know that happiness is not a future promise. It can only be experienced now.   So what is spiritual happiness - perhaps a better way to describe spiritual happiness   is contentment. This comes from a complete awareness and acceptance of   the self as we are now at an internal level, and an acceptance of 'what is' at an external level. Sounds difficult? The highest happiness is bliss which   can be experienced only when the soul/self is totally free of all attachment and   dependency. Sounds even more difficult? But this is a spiritual understanding and   definition of 'happiness', which is not difficult to accept and make a part  of our life, once there is a deep understanding and absorption of   spiritual knowledge, but spiritual knowledge which is accurate and complete in all  aspects. Spiritual happiness is a direct result of spiritual knowledge. Without  complete knowledge of the self, one cannot remain .ever and truly happy. (happy  as per the definition above).       

      Courtesy:  In Spiritual Service,  Brahma Kumaris

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